Green Party leading Facebook 'polls' (September 11, 2008)Politics | Marketing | InternetThe Green Party seems to be using media and technology well so far in this campaign. I was surprised (more...)
HOT HOT HOT and URGENT (July 14, 2008)Marketing | InternetIt’s getting more and more difficult to differentiate between the different types of spam. Jus (more...)
Training Video: The Learn PHP Tutorial (May 14, 2008)Business | Development | Marketing | InternetAfter several months of development, I’m proud to announce that the Syllogistic Software team has co (more...)
Gmail SPAM: Update (April 30, 2008)Business | Time Management | InternetSPAM email. Everyone hates it. Company and individuals alike have built various systems for dealing (more...)
RIM COO notes lack of competition in Canada mobile data (January 13, 2008)Business | InternetI recently came across this article from July in the Financial Post stating that RIM ”… (more...)
Google Maps now hi-res in Waterloo (September 13, 2007)InternetFor the longest time, Google Maps’ super-high-resolution images were only available in large c (more...)
Most Popular Web Languages / Frameworks (July 26, 2007)Development | InternetUpdate: New 2010 numbers can be found here. The other day, I was wondering to myself, “What ar (more...)
Canada wireless monopoly equals insane mobile data rates (May 3, 2007)Business | InternetI called Fido today to ask about data plans. The standard rate is 5 cents / KB = $51.20 / MB. To giv (more...)
Canada Worse than 3rd World Countries when it comes to Mobile Data Access (April 9, 2007)Business | InternetTom Purves has created a nice graph illustrating what I’ve suspected for a long time – t (more...)